Remote Workers
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Tabel of contents
Tabel of contents
Remote Workers - Course structure
Remote Workers - Course structure
W. M1: Remote communication
W. M1: Remote communication
W.M1.E1 Remote communication with managers
W.M1.E1 Remote communication with managers
W.M1.E2 Remote communication with co-workers
W.M1.E2 Remote communication with co-workers
W.M1.E3 Remote communication with customers
W.M1.E3 Remote communication with customers
W. M2: Collaborative development of digital products
W. M2: Collaborative development of digital products
W.M2.E1 Digital document, version, configuration management and integration
W.M2.E1 Digital document, version, configuration management and integration
W. M3: Digital productivity
W. M3: Digital productivity
W.M3.E1 Time management, scheduling for remote workers
W.M3.E1 Time management, scheduling for remote workers
W.M3.E2 Information structuring and management
W.M3.E2 Information structuring and management
W.M3.E3 Content creation, AI and licensing
W.M3.E3 Content creation, AI and licensing