Best practices and training methodology design


The specific objectives of this WP are:

1. To identify and collect best practices of remote work from various institutions.

2. To design the training methodology and training programme (reference process models, skills card, curriculum/syllabus, exam pool, course structure, learner’s persona, learner journey).

3. To design and publish an e-handbook for trainers.

We need your help!

We are identifying the skills that managers and educators need to efficiently and effectively perform their work in a remote environment. 

This questionnaire aims to gather insights into the necessary skills and challenges of remote work and identify the training needs in this direction.

Please help us understand remote working by completing a survey (5 - 10 minutes):


Best practices for remote work organization

VirtualEdu_2.1_Best practices_final.pdf

Remote education and work have become increasingly used across industries and geographies. Boosted by the circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, numerous professionals and educators found themselves in the challenging position of working remotely without adequate initiation and continuous guidance and training. This generated a stringent need for a training programme that would bring together all required skills for successful remote education, remote management and remote work.

The document is the result of the activities performed to fulfill objective “SO1: To gather best practices of the remote education work and prepare reference process models (policies & rules)”.

Keywords: remote education, remote work, collaboration, e-learning, hybrid learning, blended classroom, project- based and work-based learning, student-centered approach

Skill gap analysis - summary

VirtualEdu_2.1_Skill gap analysis - summary.pdf

The Covid-19 pandemic severely changed the professional landscape, transforming remote work in the “new reality” of the labor market: 17.4% of respondents have been working remotely for more than 3 years. Additionally, 35.8% have been working in a remote scenario between 1 and 3 years, 13.9% for less than a year and 8.9% for less than 6 months.

E-handbook for trainers

D2.3.1 Video presentation of training guide.mp4

Teaser: "How to teach future remote workers - a traning guide"

VirtualEDU 2.3.1. Handbook for remote training_final.pdf

How to teach to future remote workers  - a training guide

Take a look >>  flipbook.